Thursday, 3 October 2013

You Are The One

Early morning the sun is rising
I'm ready to give You my day
Cause since I found You
It can't be more true
You're bringing the best out of me

Early morning I'm reading Your words
And listening to the birds singing
A sweet melody for you and for me
Oh I feel
You're so close to me now

You are the one I was waiting
To give a sense to my life
You are the truth I was searching
And the reason why I smile
Ta ta ta

This love is so strong I can't control it
Oh please help me to find a way
To give you the best cause You are the one
Who changed my heart and took my pain away

This love is so pure I can't define it
Oh please help me to understand
What is the purpose of me being here
Could be it love and love again

You are the one I was waiting
To give a sense to my life
You are the truth I was searching
And the reason why I smile

Ta ta ta

best sangat lagu ni :) jom layan...


  1. Syau qah haritu sy ade berikan idea untuk e novel tu.seriously minat gila nak baca..nak pergi mencari takde masa..boleh tak kalau sy nak beli secara e novel tu. Kalau awak okay boleh email saya? Ni email saya

    1. maksudnya awak, e novel ni... sy compile novel ni dlm satu format, then send dekat awak ke? send novel yg dah siap ke atau yang ada dalam blog je?

    2. Ohhh...nanti sy fikirkan eh. Lgpun novel blm siap lg. Insyaallah xlama lagi..huhu


Sepatah dua dari saya

Saya memohon kepada sesiapa yang ada berniat atau secara tidak sengaja terniat untuk menyalin, memplagiat atau apa-apa sahaja ungkapan yang membawa maksud yang sama agar membatalkan niat tersebut ^_^. Jika ada yang suka dengan karya-karya saya untuk diletak di blog peribadi, tolong kreditkan blog ini sekali. Akhir kata dari saya, dengan rasa rendah hati..saya ucapkan terima kasih tidak terhingga pada yang sudi membaca karya-karya yang ada di sini! semoga semangat ini terus membara untuk berkarya. InsyaAllah...

I do not own any of these pictures. No copyright infringement intended. If you own anything and would like it to be credited or removed, contact and I will gladly oblige.
